Jesus at the Center

You choose what you treasure. Do you believe this? Take a second and reflect back on the last few weeks. What did you spend a majority of your time doing? Was there anything you were constantly thinking about? I know what I want my heart to meditate on and treasure yet I find myself not always choosing it. My heart’s desire is to put Jesus at the center of it all. But there are so many times when I use excuses like “I’m too busy” or “I’m too tired” and I avoid spending time with Him. Does this ever happen to you?

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In Matthew 6:21 (NKJV) we read “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” I often hear this scripture referring to money, but I got to thinking, can this scripture be applied to our daily thought life? Am I thinking about treasures of this world or am I focused on Heavenly things? It can be difficult to answer these questions. 

If I am being honest with myself this is something I need to work on. So how do I protect my heart and ensure I am choosing to treasure things of God on a daily basis? I know I can’t realistically spend my entire day reading His word, praying and worshipping. I have obligations in my home that I can’t neglect. But I can choose to treasure God and His word even when I am washing the dishes, making dinner or playing with our daughter. I can make a conscious effort to play praise music throughout the day, thank God during the quiet times and meditate on His scripture throughout the day. Little things like post-it notes with scriptures by my microwave, mirror, or computer remind me of Jesus and my purpose in this life.

What does your heart treasure?

How did you keep Jesus at the center throughout your day?

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